How to Agree Ways of Working as a Product Team

How to Agree Ways of Working as a Product Team

Things feel a little stale. You’re stuck in a bit of a rut. The team’s energy isn’t quite what it used to be. And you’re not able to quite pinpoint exactly what has led you to feel this way. This can – and probably will – happen to all product teams at some point. A ways of working session might be just what you need to get you back up and running, feeling energised and rebooted.

Managing UX debt

Managing UX debt

Why tension between product designers and managers is healthyI was recently asked by a colleague what I found to be the most challenging aspects of product management. Without much thought, I blurted out a response which surprised me a little. ‘Managing the...

Tools for making better product decisions

Tools for making better product decisions

A good decision can lead to bad results, but so long as the steps you took to make that decision were sound, you can sleep safe at night knowing that you took the best action based on what you knew at the time.

How to run Product Strategy Workshops

How to run Product Strategy Workshops

Practical ways to get the most out of workshops Creating (and sometimes attending) workshops can be both a fun and stressful experience. When a group of humans are put into a room full of post it notes with no structure for hours on end with no set agenda or purpose,...

Crafting Ecommerce Product Strategies

Crafting Ecommerce Product Strategies

How the customer lifecycle can help structure your product strategy The business of ecommerce With Amazon gobbling up almost 50% of ecommerce sales in the US, traditional high street retail in steady decline and paid online customer acquisition...

Why Products Fail

Why Products Fail

Agile and the fail fast culture prioritise failing as a means of learning as quickly as possible and moving onto the next experiment. It rewards failure – and actively encourages it as a mechanism to learn what works and what doesn’t. Not everyone is a fan.

Making Sense of Usability Test Results

Making Sense of Usability Test Results

Perhaps the biggest challenge product teams face is not necessarily how to conduct the usability tests in the first place but rather how to make sense of the wild variety of results your tests have produced.

DevOps Explained for Product Managers

DevOps Explained for Product Managers

Transition from tragile to agile with strong devops cultures So what exactly is Devops anyway? You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘devops’ used by your engineering team but you may not be sure exactly what it means. Sure, you know that is has...

How to Think Strategically

How to Think Strategically

A classical definition of strategy applied to product thinking The problem with strategy Ask someone what their strategy is and you’ll often get vague responses relating to operational effectiveness, items from their to do list or a proclamation that their company is...

5 Useful Diagrams for Product Managers

5 Useful Diagrams for Product Managers

Practical diagrams for when words alone don't quite cut it Why is diagramming useful? The ability to draw and produce clear diagrams are powerful skills for product managers. Here’s a few reasons why: Articulate your point of view / ideas - with a pen and a whiteboard...

How to Differentiate Your Product

How to Differentiate Your Product

Fighting the forces of product inertia Overcoming the fear of thinking differently Suggesting different ideas or challenging conventional wisdom requires a certain level of tenacity. It also requires you to bulldoze through the fears that often beset the management...

Payment Terminology for Product Teams

Payment Terminology for Product Teams

Payment gateways, tokenisation, PCI compliance and webhooks explained Have you ever had the joy of working on a project which involved implementing a new payment provider? If you have, you’ll know that the process is not much fun if you don’t understand some of the...

The Product Council Guide

The Product Council Guide

How to establish an effective Product Council What’s a Product Council? Popularised by Marty Cagan in his book, Inspired, the Product Council is a forum which includes key business stakeholders. The purpose of the Product Council is to set the strategic direction of...

GitHub Explained for Product Managers

GitHub Explained for Product Managers

Pull requests, merges, branching and all that jazz Look down at your keyboard. You’ll notice that the letters g, i and t are quite close together. You’ll also notice that the letters g,i and t spell the word ‘git’. In the UK, ‘git’ is a derogatory word, often used to...

Why is Slack popular?

Why is Slack popular?

A product management perspective Go to any conference and you’ll notice 1 thing: a small, but substantial number of hyperactive humans aren’t fully present at the conference. They’re physically in the room but they are far, far away. Where are they? They are on Slack....

Product Monetization Strategies

Product Monetization Strategies

Bridging the gap between creative and commercial thinking Does generating revenue matter? A business is a repeatable process that makes money. Everything else is a hobby. —Paul Freet, Commercialisation Expert This is a neat way of summarising the definition of a...

Product Roadmaps – an Essential Guide

Product Roadmaps – an Essential Guide

Let's talk about product roadmaps What is a product roadmap? A Product Roadmap is a device which allows product managers and product teams to communicate the direction, vision and priorities of their product. The roadmap is a living, breathing, dynamic tool which...

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